MNesmalts // Montserrat Núñez

Passejant pel Barri Gòtic, just a la cantonada del Carrer St. Honorat amb el C. St. Sever, hi ha la botiga-taller de Montserrat Núñez. Esmaltadora d’ofici de més de 25 anys, artesana i creadora de MNesmalts, i amb una infinitat de dissenys i joies per tots els gustos i edats. Conec la Montse des de fa uns anys i admiro tant la seva feina com la seva manera de fer les coses, senzilla i directa, amb una seguretat i coneixement de l’art de l’esmalt, i sempre amb bon humor i un somriure. Si us agraden les joies personalizades i úniques, modernes però fetes amb una tècnica ancestral, no us podeu perdre la seva botiga-taller. Ah! I ara també té una botiga on-line!

Walking through the Gothic Quarter, just on the corner of St. Honorat and St. Sever, there is Montserrat Núñez workshop. Over the last 25 years she has been enameling, crafting and designing pieces of MNesmalts, jewels and objects for all tastes and ages. I know Montse since a few years ago and  I admire her work as her way of doing things simply and directly, with the knowledge of the art of enamel, and always with good humor and a smile. If you like personalized and unique jewelry, modern but made ??with an ancient technique, don’t miss her workshop. Oh! And now she has an online store!

Kathi Roussel

Ahir em va arribar directe de Buffalo aquest fantàstic penjoll fet per una bona amiga i una magnífica joiera, la Kathi Roussel. No puc descriure amb paraules com estic de contenta!!! És un regal de l’Oriol i el Xino, i m’encanta!!!

Yesterday arrived directly from Buffalo this gorgeous pendant made by a great friend and a wonderful jeweler, Kathi Roussel. I can describe with words how happy I feel!!! It’s a present from Oriol and Xino and I love it!!

Aquí unes quantes de les delicies que podreu trobar a la seva botiga on-line, unes joies fantàstiques, no trobeu?

Here some of treasures you can find at her online store, amazing jewels, you think so?

Sarah Abramson

Imagen 1Imagen 3Imagen 2

“Two distinct sides exist in my work. I evoke gestural calligraphic lines and I also use clean, consistent structures. One objective is to create a fluid aesthetic in a static material. The other objective is to present an unadorned straightforward form. This work embodies what my jewelry represents, both a visual experience as well as a physical relationship to the body.”

Wendy McAllister


“My jewelry refers to the botanical world with its riotous clash of cobalt, chartreuse, and magenta. I am drawn to the lush, psychotropic-like blossoms, evolved to entice insects into their elegant geometry ensuring mutual survival. All that sumptuous, unabashed beauty is purposeful, and it sweeps me away as a voyeur to the spectacle. The seductive, temporal nature of flowers with their quirky technicolor architecture clamors for my attention as an artist.”

Via Wearable Art Blog.

Kathi Roussel


Fa temps que segueixo la feina d’aquesta joiera de Buffalo, m’encanta la manera que té de treballar amb diferents capes i com introdueix els colors a les seves peces. Fa uns dies va ser “Featured Seller” per Etsy on hi podreu llegir una entrevista sobre ella molt interessant. Jo estic enamorada de les seves joies!!

Since time ago I follow the works of this Buffalo jeweler, I love the way she works with diferent levels and how she put colours on her pieces. This week she was “Featured Seller” by Etsy and you can read there a really interesting interview. I’m in love with her jewels!!

Deb Karash


La Deb és una joiera de Illinois que treballa amb esmalts i, inspirada en formes orgàniques, crea aquestes fantàstiques peces. Les textures, els degradats de colors i les formes són fantàstiques!

Deb is a jeweler from Illinois which works with enamels and, inspired in organic forms, makes this fantastic pieces. Textures, colours and shapes are wonderful!
Via Louise Hill Design.

Jacqueline Ryan


La Jacqueline és nascuda de Finchley (Londres) tot i que actualment viu i té el seu taller a Todi (Itàlia). La seva font d’inspiració és la naturalesa, d’on extreu les formes, les analitza i sintetitza tot creant aquestes magnífiques joies. Trobo la seva feina d’una finura excel·lent.

Jacqueline is born in Finchley (London) although now lives and has her workshop in Todi (Italy). Her inspiration is nature, where she finds organic shapes and analyzes them to create these magnificent jewels. I find her work really fineness.

“In my work, I abstract nature and seek to communicate brief impressions of what I have observed and encountered. Working from large and small-scale drawings and sketches made from life (zoos, museums, aquariums, botanical gardens) I continually collect visual information about nature’s forms, structures, surfaces, textures and colours (including via digital macrophotography) and “translate” the elements that most inspire me, into tiny, paper sculpture-like models, before finally moving on to constructing the final piece in precious metals.”