Lotte De Mey – news

La nostra amiga Lotte De Mey ens fa saber que el 13 i 14 de Desembre participarà en una exposició amb les seves peces i que pel Gener començarà a fer workshops a Bèlgica. Us deixo la seva informació en anglès.


Design Show:

In the weekend of the 13th & 14th December, The White Hotel in
Brussels will be transformed into a Design Happening. 40 designers will transform 40 hotel rooms into unique design galleries and shops. You will find fashion, acessories, jewelry, silversmithing and design.
More information is available at You will find my new jewelry collection in room 26!


In January I will start my first series of workshops, no experience required. The programme is included, but it’s in Flemish only since I will be teaching in Belgium.


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