How to Photograph Jewelry

When I started selling my jewelry online I realised that I need better photos for my pieces, because photography is the most important thing when you sell online. It’s the only way the customer can see your product and have an idea of how it looks like.

So I decided to invest in a good camera and great lens. My first camera 15 years ago was a Cannon G10, then I had a Cannon G16 and since 3 years ago I use a Cannon EOS 750D. Actually the two lenses I use more are my Macro EF-S 35mm, and my Ultrasonic EF 20mm, both with 1:2.8. I’m a big fan of Cannon but I’m sure there’re Nikon and other brands that have amazing machines. I’m also lucky to have a photographer for friend (Dario Rumbo @_dazzad_) that always helped me to choose the great combination of lens and camera.

On my jewelry I use a lot of gemstones, and since the beginning I realised that the best light to shoot gemstones was natural light. I tried several times to use artificial light and light boxes but I never got the photo results I got with natural light. If you are a professional with photography skills or have a great set up, maybe you can control the light and get amazing results. But, this was not my case, I’m jeweler and all I want to explain here is my experience as a no professional photographer.

I use natural light, with indirect light and a translucent white curtain depending on the pieces. The best hours to shoot are the morning and late afternoon, because the light colour is perfect and not so intense. The cloudy days are perfect to use natural light and also the best days to go outside for a photoshoot. The clouds mitigate the light and reflections and the jewels look great.

I’m not going to talk about the sizes and the format I use because it changes a lot depending on the photos. I usually shoot in big format and change it with the edition depending on what I need.

I use Photoshop for edition. I know that it’s maybe quite difficult for a beginner, I did some classes during my jewelry studies and then I learned by myself asking to some friends and looking tutorials. There are lots of photo edition tutorials on Youtube! I also use Lightroom CC app on my phone to edit photos. This app is very easy to use and it lets you edit your photos as good as Photoshop.

Here is my experience and I hope this can help you to make better jewelry shoots. Some weeks ago I discovered and amazing article from Etsy talking exactly about how to photograph jewelry. Here is the link to this article and it maybe will give you some more information and some tips and tricks.

If you have any suggestions or questions don’t hesitate to leave them in comments. So everybody can collaborate to grow this article with more information about it.

Now it’s time to go to shoot!

Feliç Sant Jordi!

Demà és Sant Jordi, un dia molt especial a Catalunya, espero que us agradi la sel·lecció de joies que he fet. Que tingueu un bon dia i moltes roses (i petons).

Tomorrow is Saint George Day, a very special day at Catalunya, I hope you like this jewelry selection. I wish you a lovely day and lots of roses (and kisses).


Idili Joies




MSO Joies









Contemporary Jewel Illustrated – La Basilica Galeria

Demà s’inaugura la 5a exposició de La Basilica Galeria – Temporary Exhibitions, amb una selecció de 5 il·lustracions de Berto Martínez juntament amb les joies dels artistes que has servit d’inspiració per les il·lustracions. A partir de les 19.00h ens trobareu al Carrer St. Sever n.8 amb uns vinets i pastís, no us ho perdeu!

Tomorrow is the opening of the 5th La Basilica Galeria – Temporary Exhibitions, with a selection of 5 Berto Martinez illustrations along with jewelry artists who inspired him. From 19:00 until 22.00h you will find us at C. Sant Sever 8 with some wine and cake, don’t miss it!

Eina Ahluwalia

Aquesta dissenyadora de la India fa unes peces molt visuals i amb una càrrega molt espiritual, m’agraden espercialment les arracades que fa, increïbles. Podeu trobar les seves joies a la venda a Boticca.

This India based designer makes very visual and spiritual jewelry, I special love her earrings, they’re amazing! You can find her jewelry on sale at Boticca.

“My personal fashion style is very simple, but I always wear a striking piece of jewelry. And the jewelry I wear is always something that has a special meaning for me, either symbolic of my state of mind, or my direction in life. It may also be something that gives me strength or stands for an ideology or philosophy I believe in.”

900 Thanks!

Estic super contenta d’anunciar que vaig arribar a les 900 vendes a la meva botiga d’Etsy. Moltes gràcies a tots pel vostre suport durant aquests anys. Ah! No us perdeu el 10% de Descompte amb el cupó “900THANKS” vàlid fins el dilluns 3 de Març!

I’m very happy to announce that just yesterday I reached 900 Sales at my Etsy Store. I want to thank you all for your support during these years and offer you a 10% Discount with Coupon “900THANKS” until monday 3rd March!

JOYA 2014 – Call for Submisions

Els nostres amics de Joya Barcelona han obert la convocatòria per la sel·lecció de artistes i participants de l’event d’aquest any. Teniu temps fins el 30 d’Abril, no us ho perdeu!

Our friends of Joya Barcelona opened the submission form to participate in this year event. You have time until 30th April, so don’t miss it!

>> Artistes individuals
>> Individual artists

>> Escoles
>> Schools

>> Col·lectius
>> Collectives

>> Galeries
>> Galleries

JOYA 2014 – Jurat / Jury

Paulo Ribeiro and Anthony Chevallier- Directors JOYA
Wolfgang Loesche- Director Schmuck
Marina Elenskaya- Editor in Chief Current Obsession
Reinhold Ludwig- Editorial director Art Aurea
Pilar Garrigosa- Art Collector
Piotr Rybazcek- Gallery owner La Basilica Galería
Yannick Mur- JOYA 2014 feature artist

Philip Crangi

Philip Crangi és un dissenyador de Nova York que combina les tècniques de l’orfebreria clàssica com el gravat amb altres més industrials com el tall amb laser per tal de fusionar allò vell amb allò nou. Treballa les seves peces a mà i intenta plasmar en elles funcions de record, talismà i símbols tal com s’ha entès la joiera al llarg de la història. Les seves peces són un conjunt de reliquies i clàssics per una nova era. No us perdeu el video-reportatge on es veu el seu taller i com treballa.

Philip Crangi is a New York designer who combines traditional goldsmithing techniques such as engraving with more industrial as cutting laser to fuse the old with the new. He work his pieces by hand and tries to capture in them memories, talismans and symbols understanding this values for the jewelry throughout history. His pieces are a collection of relics and classics for a new era. Don’t miss the video where you can see him working at his studio.