Rosy Revolver


Fa uns dies vaig descobrir la feina d’aquesta joiera americana i m’encanta!! Estic completament enamorada de les seves joies i de la màgia que transmeten els seus anells. No us perdeu la seva web, els seu bloc i la seva botiga on-line!

Some days ago I discovered the works of this american jeweler and I love them! I’m complete in love with her jewels and the magic of her rings. You can’t miss her website, her blog and her online shop!

“It is important to me to put myself and my heart into my jewelry. My work embodies all the facets of who I am. Who am I?

First off, I am a woman. That in and of itself says so much.
I am soft, and yet strong.
Feminine, but masculine in the simplest sense of the word.
Young, though parts of my soul feel very old.
Incredibly happy, yet I often have solemn thoughts.
Often lonely, though I favor my independence.”

6 respostes a “Rosy Revolver

  1. Qué piedras más bonitas!!!!, y la filigrana de plata acompaña perfectamente. Yo me he traído de Argentina unas piedras de Rocodrosita, típica del país…es muy bonita!….ya se me ocurrirá algo!…jejeje


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